Personal pages, zines, and blogs by Ottawa kids
No Cause For Concern fanzine
online version of awesome Ottawa zine from the 80s; - the zine
defunct webzine; contact: [email protected]
Scallen by Shawn Scallen
photo of the day, sort of; contact: [email protected]
Thrust by John
great local music e-zine; contact: [email protected]
Le Champion Due Monde by Paul G
local photography blog
Local record labels
Kelp Records
only label to have it's own parade this side of Olympia; contact: [email protected]
mathrockdubemoexperimentalshhhhhhh; contact: [email protected]
Music for Cats Records
golden famile, rpj, rpj and denisa, merle knurling; contact: [email protected]
Local design people
Dirty Donny
more artist than "desinger" - hot rod and horror motifs - album covers, fine art, murals
responsible for the page you're reading right now and many recent show flyers in ottawa
Andrew Draper
the guy behind the the look of spectrasonic, sogoodmusic and the last batch of swish flyers
Various punk/hardcore stuff
touring/booking resource
Crucial Pins
high quality one inch pins. crucial pins for crucial times.
the zine about going places you're not supposed to go
online record shop and punkrock search engine
NEW - RecordStoreReviews
Ottawa kids launch online fix for vinyl junkies
NEW - Seriographie Populaire
Montreal kids who silkscreen posters and make buttons
indepedendent sticker makers
Labels that we like
experimental label in MontrČal
putting DC on the map for more than two decades
cool label/distro out of Goleta, CA
G7 Welcoming Committee
an activist record label striving for social change
Jade Tree
punk/indie label in Wilmington, DE
Mountain Collective for Independent Artists
non-profit organization dedicated to promoting art made for community and not commodity
No Idea
cool label/distro out of Gainesville, FL
Non-Ottawa bands we endorse wholeheartedly
we're sorry. two of our members are responsible for hardcore and emo, respectively. we're much better now, though
Neil Hamburger
america's funnyman
My Dad Is Dead
cleveland rocks
The Promise Ring
back with a bong in 2012!
Strike Anywhere
Richmond VA punk rock
Art/design related
Aesthetic Apparatus
awesome screen printed posters
Melinda Beck
Quicksand art and beyond...
Sean Bonner
give this guy some design work to help with his japanese toy addiction
Burning Brush
pop art auction site
Cynthia Connolly
amazing DC photographer
Gigposters dot com
huge archive, upload your flyers here
The Designer's Republic
flash flash flash
sight and sound
Freedom Photography
a web-site designed to keep people politically aware through photography
Glen E. Friedman
fuck you
interviews with awesome photogs
Jordin Isip
you've seen his work on punk albums
NEW - Toby Morris
great all round photojournalist
Obey Giant
what the fuck is that sticker?
Minneapolis/St. Paul flyer archive
Felix's closet uncovered
Jim Saah
DC photographer - pix and writings
Jon Schledewitz
WPG photographer - music, politics, skateboarding
NEW - Seriographie Populaire
yeah, they have a link above, but these kids are awesome artists/designers too
NEW - Sixspace
awesome LA art gallery
West Coast Rock'n'Roll Poster Archive
old flyers from seattle, portland, vancouver etc
Yet Another Flyer Archive
some okay stuff here
Nerdy stuff
1001 Free Fonts
did crass use the 'crass' font?
2600 Magazine
free kevin
DIY search
the unreliable search engine for punk rockers
extensive font collective with a nice design and an address you'll never remember
reputably, the WWW's best search engine
Project Cool
web code stuff
Sizzling HTML
Jalfrezi HTML design crap
news for nerds. stuff that matters
Not on the list?
If you have a site of your own or would like to suggest another site to be linked, please email lynx at (It is suggested that personal pages linked on this site include a link to us on their site.)