Message boards

Just in case the punkottawa board isn't enough for you, here are a couple more online communities to visit:

ottawa posicentral board
ottawa-metal.com - bang your head
ottawagoth.ca - for creatures of the night
ottawaexplosion.com - punk/garage/etc band blog and OE Festival info
National Capital Rock - Andrew Carver's rock photoblog

Online chat

does anyone still use IRC?

Local activism

Critical Mass
The Garden Spot
Food Not Bombs

punkottawa.com Vegetarian Dining Club

CURRENTLY ON HOLD - Anyone want to start it up again?Monthly dinner outings at a variety of restaurants to promote community and vegetarianism. Menu is always vegan so all can partake. Price runs between $15-20 (including tax and tip) depending on the restuarant. Past places we have descended upon include: Ceylonta, Chahaya Malaysia, Horn of Africa, Govinda's, Maharaja (RIP), Perfection Satisfaction Promise, Ceylonta (again!), So Good...

If you would like to find out about our next dinner (usually the last weekend of the month) please email [email protected] or check the Food For Thought punkottawa.com newsgroup for updates.

LOOKING FOR A NEW COORDINATOR. If interested email info at punkottawa dot com -- would only take a few hours a month to coordinate with restaurants and follow up with interested kids.

Ottawa Hardcore Sports League

Bringing together the strong-weak, nerd-jock, gay-straight, edge-sellout, fat-skinny, tall-midget, and male-female elements of ottawa's hardcore punk rock scene to prove that hardcore is about more than music -- it's about SPORTS!

new link above to Facebook group!

Want to get involved?

If you want to organise a punk movie night, bowling night or mini-golf tournament contact us and we will post the info here!

We're also planning to add show and record reviews to this page at some point in the future, so get in touch with us if you'd like to help out.


Donate to Punk Ottawa

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